ICT Integration lesson on Subtraction


As ICT plays vital role in shaping students’ learning and also develops their cognitive thinking processes, the school bought two LCDs and placed in two separate rooms where teachers can use as and when needed. ICTs plays the potential to accelerate, enrich, and deepen skills to motivate and engage students. On 11th July, 2022, I took my class II students in TV room (ICT) for mathematics lesson on subtraction.

When the students reached the TV room (ICT), they were instructed to sit roll number wise and not to make noise. They were taught subtraction in the class and to reinforce more on the topic, a video about subtraction was played on the screen. Students were eagerly watching the video and were found to be enjoying it. They were seen interacting each other by watching the video. So during the teaching learning process in the class, it is must for the teachers to include some interesting videos lesson involving ICT which will enhance and supplement their learning. I realize that students have developed much interest in learning through independent enquiry and appropriate use of ICT.

 Now with the availability of the resources in my school, I can generate meaningful and engaging learning experiences to my students; strategically using ICT to enhance learning. Firstly I screened the video about subtraction of two digit numbers by one digit number and instructed students to watch it carefully. Again I screened the video once more to understand the topic better and then ask questions such as: how many is 12 take away 5? How many is 15 take away 8? So in the video, diagrammatic representation are shown and children can count and write. While I could monitored their work, I could draw conclusion that they really enjoyed the ICT lesson or learnt more through ICT integration.

Finally, I realized that the lesson through ICT enhance children to learn by looking at the real pictures and words in different patterns and with beautiful colour.  Students are demanding for the next lesson to be in ICT room as they really enjoyed it, so I promised the same in the next new topic.



  1. well done for your good presentation

  2. I also found out that my children really enjoying lesson through ICT and they wants the lesson to be in ICT all the time. But the problem is that we don't have enough IT Lab.

  3. Good job Dorji sir. I could see tjat kids are really into their lesson.


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