Lesson on Ordinal Numbers

As ICT plays vital role in bringing significant improvement in learner’s performance, where schools that has sufficient ICT resources. In our school too, we have initiated and bought two LCD TV for students to take teaching and learning. ICT can change the lesson pace where learners will develop sufficient potentials and skills. ICT allow for a higher quality lessons through collaboration with teachers in planning and preparing resources. ICT technologies encourage independent and active learning, and students’ responsibility for their own learning which truly constructs the teaching- learning process.

So, on 5th September, I taught mathematics lesson in class PP through ICT tools where I took PP students to TV room. The topic was on ordinal numbers. I have taught some portion of the topic in the previous lesson such as: tell some students to stand in the front and ask them their position in the line. For example: who is in the second? Where is Pravin? Children says: Tshewang is in the first. Pravin is second. Kinzang is third. Rinsam is fourth. Tashi Wangdi is fifth. And to make more meaningful to the topic, I showed them with two short video clips on ordinal numbers. Children were enjoying the video and they even sing along with the clip. Students learn more while we show them with video clips or with real objects. In videos, the ordinal numbers were shown till 20th but I focus till 10th only.

Since the students were really enjoying the videos clips, I have shared or posted in our class telegram group too, so that children can watch at home, learn it and practice it. To deliver this lesson, I did not face any problem as I have already downloaded the videos from the link provided in IG.

Source: http://www.word-detective.com/2014/07/first-second-third/

Watch the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaO1E21SpkI

I have promise students that, again I will bring them to TV room for the next interesting topic to learn through video lesson which very effective and enriching one in student’s learning behaviour.



Students during the ICT lesson in TV room


  1. I could see your children captivated by LCD TV. It is really a powerful tool.

  2. I also did the same using ICT and found my children really enjoying it.


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