Lesson integrated with ICT on Hydropower

Integration of ICT in our daily lesson boost the learning habit and retention power of students through real world experiences. They get to know how each things are working by watching from videos. They get more engage in their work and improves their learning rather than plain teaching in the class.  This is because technology provides different opportunities to make it more fun and enjoyable in terms of teaching the same things in different ways.

So on Monday, 26th September, I took class VI ‘B’ students to TV room during the 5th period to teach on the topic: Hydropower”. Firstly I explained them about the topic i.e. what is hydropower? How electricity is generated? Any one of you been to power station? What are some of the advantages of electricity? After discussing for about 5 minutes, then I screen them video clip on hydropower. They were interestingly watching the video and in between the video I explained them what are shown in the video. Sometimes I paused them in between the video and ask questions such as: what this picture tell us? Now tell me how electricity is generated? Do you think it is easy to generate an electricity from water? What are some of the disadvantages of constructing of dam?

To get clearer on the topic, I gave them a short activity to find out the benefits of hydropower and some disadvantages of construction of hydropower in pair. Students discussed with their partner and presented their findings to the whole class. I also supplemented some points on top of their presentation and we discussed in detail. I found that students enjoyed the video lesson very much as they watched with full concentration. Some students ask me doubts which they don’t understand that was screened in TV.

As a closure just to revise what was taught, I ask few children to tell some benefits of hydropower, some cons of constructing hydropower and preventive measures of hydropower plant. So to make more enriching, I ask them to Google it and find out more about hydropower plant.  

 Teaching through ICT is fun and enjoyable one. With the change in learning environment from regular classes to ICT, it create different learning atmosphere and children really love learning the lesson with ICT integrated.


  1. Beautiful write up. Your lessons were awesome. Hope your children enjoyed your fantastic lessons. It was engaging and could see lots of practicality. Great 👍


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