Lesson integrated with ICT on Trade Integration of ICT in our daily lesson is a boost to the students which involves students in learning more through real world situation where they see hands on experience. And also it boost their learning and improves their knowledge. Students are engaged fully in their work through ICT integrated lesson and their also improves their retention power. They tend to explore more on the topic by browsing themselves or get help from their friends. On 9 th November, I took class VI ‘B’ students to TV room during the 6 th period to teach on the topic: “ Trade” . Firstly I revised the taught lesson on economic and non-economic activities and its types. Before I screen the short video clip on TV, I asked questions such as: what is trade? Do we do trading here in our locality? What types of trade does people do? ‘ The e xchange of goods and services among the people and countries is called trade’ . Selling of goods and services to other countries i...
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EDN419-ICT Teaching and Learning